Friday, May 22, 2020

Group Decision Making A Case Study - 1032 Words

Group Decision Making: A case study Kashyap Pd. Marahatta BUS 540 Organizational Behavior Professor: Shirley Chuo Westcliff University 11/10/2016 Abstract This paper will be analysing the case of ‘the outstanding faculty award’, which is adapted from a case by David J. Cherrington of Brigham Young University. It will try to show what problems in team likely cause the team in taking a wrong or ineffective decision taking the case of Brigham Young University as a base. This paper would also try to provide some recommendations so that the team problems can be avoided. Also, the same case would be discussed in terms of what really happened by using the theories and concepts of individual decision making. Group decision making: A case study Despite of an organisation being small or big, it is mostly seen that various decisions in organisations are taken by teams, committees or groups (Gunnarsson, 2010). 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