Friday, January 17, 2020

Hinduism and Buddhism Essay

In recent years, numerous Eastern philosophical thoughts have influenced the contemporary world in more ways than one. Eastern philosophy serves as the foundation of discipline and way of life for most Asians and even several individuals from the west . The significance of eastern influences not only incline on the purpose of commemoration of historical people but on the scrutiny of principles and doctrines that contribute to growth as well. In a strict sense, eastern philosophies have connections in one way or another and such connections are often found in the beliefs and practices of such schools of thought. Hinduism and Buddhism for instance are regarded as two of the oldest systems of discipline both in doctrine and practice (Moore & Bruder, 2005). These philosophies are two of the oldest in the Dharmic tradition, hence it is plausible for Buddhism and Hinduism to be the subject of comparison. Hinduism is the oldest major religion still practiced today, it traces its roots from unrecorded history. The doctrines of Hinduism are as diverse as its number of interpretations, as such, Hinduism per se is more of a spiritual attitude that spawns an array of religious and philosophicl beliefs and traditions (Moore & Bruder, 2005). The diversities come in different forms such as worship of elements in the form of any living entities up to cultured metaphysical theories (Moore & Bruder, 2005). The diversities of hinduism, conversely, are bound by the Vedic scriptures’ authority, these scriptures are the basis of understanding for the discreet natural state of things (Moore & Bruder, 2005). Buddhism on the other hand is a system of beliefs, originally from Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), that responds to the supposed predicaments brought about by suffering which extends its arm to the feelings of sorrow, dissapointment, frustration, discontent, disaffection, pessimism and unfulfillment (Moore & Bruder, 2005). Buddha narrows the resolution to suffering in the context of his four noble truths: There is Suffering, Suffering has its causes, suffering has an end and there is a way to end suffering in the eight-fold path (Moore & Bruder, 2005). Hinduism and Buddhism both believe in the cause and effect principles of Karma. Karma’s is encompassed on the idea that intentions are the measuring factors of a person’s deeds. In Karma, these deeds will be carried over for several lifespans through an individual’s incarnations depending if a deed is morally good or morally bad (Moore & Bruder, 2005). Another element similar to Buddhism and Hinduism as the principles is Nirvana, though defferences are evident in the ways and means, the two are both directed to the attainment of the latter. Nirvana is a sanskrit word that literally means extinction and is applied in Buddhism and Hinduism as freedom from the cycle of life, death and reincarnation (Moore & Bruder, 2005). Personally, I concur to the system of beliefs suggested by Buddhism, primarily because it provides an easy, step-by-step guide to the achievement of the goal, nirvana. Gautama’s teachings, though hard and require discipline is the perfect path to enlightenment given that he primarily insinuates worldly desires and other emotions that hinder an individual from discovering the true self. Moreover, Buddha implies simplicity of Buddhist practices in the sense that he himself noted that anyone can achieve the insights that he had via focus, sincere meditation, continuous elimination of worldly desires and freedom from egoistic thoughts, fear and anxiety.

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