Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Islamic State During Iraq And Al Sham ( Isis )

If individuals or a society are to improve, they should seek power through their responses to hardship and struggles according to Nietzsche. If an individual or society responds well to the hardships and suffering it encounters, that individual or society will continue to improve and evolve. Today, the media reports that the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is struggling to gain power for their people through the reacquisition of land and reunification of Islamic people. ISIS has threatened attacks on the western world, should they attempt to intervene in this struggle (Ivison, 2014). The western world views this as a threat to its power and is poised to address this threat through military intervention. How each society responds†¦show more content†¦They do all of this in the name of Allah - their god- and to gain power, however their objectives and ultimate goal is unclear to the western world. In a recent SKYPE interview conducted by Vice.com, Canadian ISIS membe r Farah Mohamed Shirdon gave mixed messages about the intent of ISIS. At one point, Shirdon claimed that the group wished to be left alone, stating that he didn’t want to fight, nor did his group. He further stated that the group wishes to enable Muslims to live under their own laws and authority and that they view western interference as a threat (Shirdon, 2014). However, Shirdon went on to state that he hoped to be made a martyr by dying in conflict for Allah and that ISIS would not stop until their flag was flying over the White House (Shirdon, 2014). Shirdon also made direct threats against western civilization, stating they were coming for â€Å"us† and that â€Å"a lot of brothers are mobilizing there right now in the West†¦mobilizing for a brilliant attack†¦Ã¢â‚¬  on the West (Shirdon, 2014). This could lead one to believe that the group is actually looking at expanding its power beyond its stated limitations. What is unclear from media reports is w hether ISIS is seeking to gain more power to allow its individual’s greater opportunities to improve their individual circumstances, or whether the group is seeking world domination for their group and Allah. Nietzsche’s Theory Nietzsche asserts that human actions should be driven by an aspiration to

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