Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Islamic State During Iraq And Al Sham ( Isis )

If individuals or a society are to improve, they should seek power through their responses to hardship and struggles according to Nietzsche. If an individual or society responds well to the hardships and suffering it encounters, that individual or society will continue to improve and evolve. Today, the media reports that the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is struggling to gain power for their people through the reacquisition of land and reunification of Islamic people. ISIS has threatened attacks on the western world, should they attempt to intervene in this struggle (Ivison, 2014). The western world views this as a threat to its power and is poised to address this threat through military intervention. How each society responds†¦show more content†¦They do all of this in the name of Allah - their god- and to gain power, however their objectives and ultimate goal is unclear to the western world. In a recent SKYPE interview conducted by Vice.com, Canadian ISIS membe r Farah Mohamed Shirdon gave mixed messages about the intent of ISIS. At one point, Shirdon claimed that the group wished to be left alone, stating that he didn’t want to fight, nor did his group. He further stated that the group wishes to enable Muslims to live under their own laws and authority and that they view western interference as a threat (Shirdon, 2014). However, Shirdon went on to state that he hoped to be made a martyr by dying in conflict for Allah and that ISIS would not stop until their flag was flying over the White House (Shirdon, 2014). Shirdon also made direct threats against western civilization, stating they were coming for â€Å"us† and that â€Å"a lot of brothers are mobilizing there right now in the West†¦mobilizing for a brilliant attack†¦Ã¢â‚¬  on the West (Shirdon, 2014). This could lead one to believe that the group is actually looking at expanding its power beyond its stated limitations. What is unclear from media reports is w hether ISIS is seeking to gain more power to allow its individual’s greater opportunities to improve their individual circumstances, or whether the group is seeking world domination for their group and Allah. Nietzsche’s Theory Nietzsche asserts that human actions should be driven by an aspiration to

Monday, December 16, 2019

Technology Assisted collaborative communications Free Essays

Introduction Netiquette is a social convention adopted by internet users on the web that help interact over networks ranging from mailing to blogs and forums and live chat. Since the internet has changed rapidly, its netiquette does too, the need for a sense of netiquette arises mostly when sending or distributing e-mail, chatting or posting comments. To some point, the practice of netiquette relies on accepting how e-mail, chatting or other aspects of the internet work or is practiced. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology Assisted collaborative communications or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, on an email discussion list – not everyone may have seen past message- it’s considered polite to quote from a message you’re replying to, so your response has context. It is considered that to keep quotes short and relevant. Web based forum, on the other hand where the original messages are visible to all, quoting is unnecessary. Netiquette is a term referring to a good behaviour while connected to the internet below is some good and bad examples of netiquette while using the internet facilities. Good Examples: Requesting permission for images and extra intellectual rights from the author and owners. Using proper grammar and spelling Not Using someone else’s identity such as name and pretending to be someone else Not posting something illegal Not using abusive and threatening language. Not post racist comments Not trying to capture personal information about someone Bad Examples: Trying to be someone else and using their personal information and their identity Using foul language in a message or in a live chat Posting comments on racism To gather private information about someone Netiquette is communicating clearly online; this helps students with their learning as it gives the students a guide on how to speak or type in a message or to people using online communication tools such as Facebook, Skype or Windows live Messenger. This helped me to attempt my assignment one as it was a group assignment we had to use online communication tools in order to communicate. We clearly used appropriate language to communicate and sent brief short message emails to each of the group members. As a group we used appropriate behaviour to communicate with each other and it helped us into attempting assignment one it helped us to keep quotes short and relevant and easy to read. Throughout this module we had to attempt Assignment one; and in order to do that we had to communicate we each other as it was a group assignment. As we didn’t have time to communicate all the time due to other modules and other coursework and not everyone in our group was doing the same modules, we had to communicate by online communication using Skype, Facebook and Windows live messenger. We used mainly Skype as we were able to communicate as a group and not individual. Using online communication was an advantage for us as a group this is because we communicated anywhere, we didn’t have to discuss everything face to face or coming to the university and discussing the work, we discussed it over Skype and other online communication in order to help each other out for the group assignment and how to attempt each part. Blackboard was also used; it was used in order get in touch with the lecturer we posted comments in the discussion forum as a group or individual to get he lp with the assignments and other work relating to the lecturer. Online communications are used to be reserved for emails sent to co-workers and bosses. Today, however, emails and online conferences and other different methods kinds of online communications have not only become widely accepted, but often preferred to other methods. Online communications can offer several advantages and disadvantages. There is convenience; users don’t need to wait in for the other person to be available in order to get the message to them, they can just send an email. Today for better communications, we can avail the facilities of e-mail, we can chat for hours. There are plenty messenger tools in present, these services it has become easy to start a friendship where users can share their thoughts. Advantages of Instant messaging is; users are able to send message in real time, free to use, having to have a proper face to face conversation without making a large bill and users are able to chat to more than one person at the same time. However there are disadvantages in using online communications. Some people decide to send viruses via email and in the processing infecting the user computers. Virus email can be difficult in order to be detected especially to someone with a very little knowledge of computer viruses and how they work. It’s not only emails that are the downside of online communications there are more such Instant messaging, the downside of instant messaging is that viruses can be sent via files, needs internet connection and computer and last of you don’t who you are really talking too. As technology progresses and the world has become more reliant up on internet functions online learning has gained popularity and functionality. I personally can say it has benefited me, as it enables me to access it 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am able to have the ability to read and re read lectures, discussion, explanations and comments. Each student has their personal way of learning some can learn visually and others do better when they â€Å"learn by doing†. As online learning has benefited me I can study the lectures and materials of the modules on my own time or whenever I have the access to a computer or to the internet, it allows me to work at my own pace when learning modules. As I can choose when I want to work on my studies, I am more likely to devote my full attention to the task and not be distracted to comprehend to the lesson. One of greatest things about online learning is that I can learn anywhere this is a benefit to me as I can learn even in the comf ort of my own home; this can save me countless hours of transits. Instead of enduring a boring and often a stressful- rush to get to class at a horrible hour of the morning, I can use these hours for actual learning. Normally I often have more one on one interaction with my lecturers as correspondence through email is essential as my lecturers will know more about me and they way I learn and needs than a student they see two or three times a week in their lecturers. Online learning has not benefited me in this course; this is because in all of my modules it is required that we attend lectures and tutorials so for that we don’t miss out in anything important. Throughout the course, I’ve tried learning some things online, but it was a fail. It was only clear if the lecturer explained it, there was no point learning it online or any other way as it wasn’t clear enough. Online learning is a benefit in some of the modules but for this modules is not, when the work is set is required we practice it there and there so therefore there is no need to learn something online. Online learning does benefit some students in the course as for them they think it’s better to learn in this method, but for some it’s the other way around they think it’s better to attend lectures and tutorials to learn the module. Reference: Netiquette: Erin Hoffman. (2005). what is netiquette. Available: http://www.wisegeek.com/contest/what-is-netiquette.htm. Last accessed 28th March 2011. Wendy Grossman. (2010). what is netiquette. Available: http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/about-netiquette. Last accessed 4th April 2011. Advantages and disadvantages: Jayashree Pakhare. (2006). Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet. Available: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-disadvantages-internet.html. Last accessed 4 April 2011. How to cite Technology Assisted collaborative communications, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Handmaids Tale Republic of Gilead Essay Example For Students

The Handmaids Tale Republic of Gilead Essay As I reading the novel, The handmaid s tale, I recognized the Republic of Gilead, is a country, which is not only under the religious theoretic rule, but also dominated by the masculine power. All the men in the Republic have various of privileges that the women do not have. In the first 100 pages of the novel, I realized handmaids have think about using their bodies to make a deal with those Angle in order to escape from the red center, therefore, it hints from the beginning, men have greater power in the Republic. In the Republic, everybody has been ranked. The ranks of women, like Aunt, Martha, and Wife are specifically gendered words that mark the status of women. Therefore, regardless of her rank, a woman’s central feature is her sex. Even a Wife, the highest-ranking woman in the republic, is defined in relation to a man, her husband. Words such as Commander, Guardian, and Angel name men’s various ranks of power, but the words themselves do not reduce individual men to their sex alone. In the novel, we always see those words like unwomen, unbabies but we never see the word like unmen, it means there are no sterile men in the Republic s ideology and only women have defective in the eyes of the Republic s law. Moreover, men in the Republic are not defining through their bodies functions, but women do, the major purpose of women in the Republic is to reproduce baby. If those women fail to produce baby, they will declare as unwomen, and will be sent to the colonies and die in there. In the novel, we can see that all aspects of women s life were being highly regulated, their speech, writing, reading, job, economic independence or even their name. Those handmaids are never given individual names; the Republic regards them as objects or rather as state property and if giving them individual, unchanging names, those will undermine their position as state property. Therefore, the Commander names every Handmaid. (For instance Offred to Of Fred ) The Handmaid s names mark them as the property of the Commanders in whose homes they in currently. Their names will be change again when they move to another new households. I have no experience of living a country like the Republic of Gilead and I think there is no such regime existing on the earth. Nevertheless, indeed, the privilege is existed in all now day societies. Not only between two different genders, but also between dual/multiple groups/classes of people, for instance, rich people dominate the whole state economic and made a bad influence to middle/low classes people; a political party dominated a state, which provide benefit to those who are willing to bound with them and persecuted the other.