Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Islamic State During Iraq And Al Sham ( Isis )

If individuals or a society are to improve, they should seek power through their responses to hardship and struggles according to Nietzsche. If an individual or society responds well to the hardships and suffering it encounters, that individual or society will continue to improve and evolve. Today, the media reports that the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is struggling to gain power for their people through the reacquisition of land and reunification of Islamic people. ISIS has threatened attacks on the western world, should they attempt to intervene in this struggle (Ivison, 2014). The western world views this as a threat to its power and is poised to address this threat through military intervention. How each society responds†¦show more content†¦They do all of this in the name of Allah - their god- and to gain power, however their objectives and ultimate goal is unclear to the western world. In a recent SKYPE interview conducted by Vice.com, Canadian ISIS membe r Farah Mohamed Shirdon gave mixed messages about the intent of ISIS. At one point, Shirdon claimed that the group wished to be left alone, stating that he didn’t want to fight, nor did his group. He further stated that the group wishes to enable Muslims to live under their own laws and authority and that they view western interference as a threat (Shirdon, 2014). However, Shirdon went on to state that he hoped to be made a martyr by dying in conflict for Allah and that ISIS would not stop until their flag was flying over the White House (Shirdon, 2014). Shirdon also made direct threats against western civilization, stating they were coming for â€Å"us† and that â€Å"a lot of brothers are mobilizing there right now in the West†¦mobilizing for a brilliant attack†¦Ã¢â‚¬  on the West (Shirdon, 2014). This could lead one to believe that the group is actually looking at expanding its power beyond its stated limitations. What is unclear from media reports is w hether ISIS is seeking to gain more power to allow its individual’s greater opportunities to improve their individual circumstances, or whether the group is seeking world domination for their group and Allah. Nietzsche’s Theory Nietzsche asserts that human actions should be driven by an aspiration to

Monday, December 16, 2019

Technology Assisted collaborative communications Free Essays

Introduction Netiquette is a social convention adopted by internet users on the web that help interact over networks ranging from mailing to blogs and forums and live chat. Since the internet has changed rapidly, its netiquette does too, the need for a sense of netiquette arises mostly when sending or distributing e-mail, chatting or posting comments. To some point, the practice of netiquette relies on accepting how e-mail, chatting or other aspects of the internet work or is practiced. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology Assisted collaborative communications or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, on an email discussion list – not everyone may have seen past message- it’s considered polite to quote from a message you’re replying to, so your response has context. It is considered that to keep quotes short and relevant. Web based forum, on the other hand where the original messages are visible to all, quoting is unnecessary. Netiquette is a term referring to a good behaviour while connected to the internet below is some good and bad examples of netiquette while using the internet facilities. Good Examples: Requesting permission for images and extra intellectual rights from the author and owners. Using proper grammar and spelling Not Using someone else’s identity such as name and pretending to be someone else Not posting something illegal Not using abusive and threatening language. Not post racist comments Not trying to capture personal information about someone Bad Examples: Trying to be someone else and using their personal information and their identity Using foul language in a message or in a live chat Posting comments on racism To gather private information about someone Netiquette is communicating clearly online; this helps students with their learning as it gives the students a guide on how to speak or type in a message or to people using online communication tools such as Facebook, Skype or Windows live Messenger. This helped me to attempt my assignment one as it was a group assignment we had to use online communication tools in order to communicate. We clearly used appropriate language to communicate and sent brief short message emails to each of the group members. As a group we used appropriate behaviour to communicate with each other and it helped us into attempting assignment one it helped us to keep quotes short and relevant and easy to read. Throughout this module we had to attempt Assignment one; and in order to do that we had to communicate we each other as it was a group assignment. As we didn’t have time to communicate all the time due to other modules and other coursework and not everyone in our group was doing the same modules, we had to communicate by online communication using Skype, Facebook and Windows live messenger. We used mainly Skype as we were able to communicate as a group and not individual. Using online communication was an advantage for us as a group this is because we communicated anywhere, we didn’t have to discuss everything face to face or coming to the university and discussing the work, we discussed it over Skype and other online communication in order to help each other out for the group assignment and how to attempt each part. Blackboard was also used; it was used in order get in touch with the lecturer we posted comments in the discussion forum as a group or individual to get he lp with the assignments and other work relating to the lecturer. Online communications are used to be reserved for emails sent to co-workers and bosses. Today, however, emails and online conferences and other different methods kinds of online communications have not only become widely accepted, but often preferred to other methods. Online communications can offer several advantages and disadvantages. There is convenience; users don’t need to wait in for the other person to be available in order to get the message to them, they can just send an email. Today for better communications, we can avail the facilities of e-mail, we can chat for hours. There are plenty messenger tools in present, these services it has become easy to start a friendship where users can share their thoughts. Advantages of Instant messaging is; users are able to send message in real time, free to use, having to have a proper face to face conversation without making a large bill and users are able to chat to more than one person at the same time. However there are disadvantages in using online communications. Some people decide to send viruses via email and in the processing infecting the user computers. Virus email can be difficult in order to be detected especially to someone with a very little knowledge of computer viruses and how they work. It’s not only emails that are the downside of online communications there are more such Instant messaging, the downside of instant messaging is that viruses can be sent via files, needs internet connection and computer and last of you don’t who you are really talking too. As technology progresses and the world has become more reliant up on internet functions online learning has gained popularity and functionality. I personally can say it has benefited me, as it enables me to access it 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am able to have the ability to read and re read lectures, discussion, explanations and comments. Each student has their personal way of learning some can learn visually and others do better when they â€Å"learn by doing†. As online learning has benefited me I can study the lectures and materials of the modules on my own time or whenever I have the access to a computer or to the internet, it allows me to work at my own pace when learning modules. As I can choose when I want to work on my studies, I am more likely to devote my full attention to the task and not be distracted to comprehend to the lesson. One of greatest things about online learning is that I can learn anywhere this is a benefit to me as I can learn even in the comf ort of my own home; this can save me countless hours of transits. Instead of enduring a boring and often a stressful- rush to get to class at a horrible hour of the morning, I can use these hours for actual learning. Normally I often have more one on one interaction with my lecturers as correspondence through email is essential as my lecturers will know more about me and they way I learn and needs than a student they see two or three times a week in their lecturers. Online learning has not benefited me in this course; this is because in all of my modules it is required that we attend lectures and tutorials so for that we don’t miss out in anything important. Throughout the course, I’ve tried learning some things online, but it was a fail. It was only clear if the lecturer explained it, there was no point learning it online or any other way as it wasn’t clear enough. Online learning is a benefit in some of the modules but for this modules is not, when the work is set is required we practice it there and there so therefore there is no need to learn something online. Online learning does benefit some students in the course as for them they think it’s better to learn in this method, but for some it’s the other way around they think it’s better to attend lectures and tutorials to learn the module. Reference: Netiquette: Erin Hoffman. (2005). what is netiquette. Available: http://www.wisegeek.com/contest/what-is-netiquette.htm. Last accessed 28th March 2011. Wendy Grossman. (2010). what is netiquette. Available: http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/about-netiquette. Last accessed 4th April 2011. Advantages and disadvantages: Jayashree Pakhare. (2006). Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet. Available: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-disadvantages-internet.html. Last accessed 4 April 2011. How to cite Technology Assisted collaborative communications, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Handmaids Tale Republic of Gilead Essay Example For Students

The Handmaids Tale Republic of Gilead Essay As I reading the novel, The handmaid s tale, I recognized the Republic of Gilead, is a country, which is not only under the religious theoretic rule, but also dominated by the masculine power. All the men in the Republic have various of privileges that the women do not have. In the first 100 pages of the novel, I realized handmaids have think about using their bodies to make a deal with those Angle in order to escape from the red center, therefore, it hints from the beginning, men have greater power in the Republic. In the Republic, everybody has been ranked. The ranks of women, like Aunt, Martha, and Wife are specifically gendered words that mark the status of women. Therefore, regardless of her rank, a woman’s central feature is her sex. Even a Wife, the highest-ranking woman in the republic, is defined in relation to a man, her husband. Words such as Commander, Guardian, and Angel name men’s various ranks of power, but the words themselves do not reduce individual men to their sex alone. In the novel, we always see those words like unwomen, unbabies but we never see the word like unmen, it means there are no sterile men in the Republic s ideology and only women have defective in the eyes of the Republic s law. Moreover, men in the Republic are not defining through their bodies functions, but women do, the major purpose of women in the Republic is to reproduce baby. If those women fail to produce baby, they will declare as unwomen, and will be sent to the colonies and die in there. In the novel, we can see that all aspects of women s life were being highly regulated, their speech, writing, reading, job, economic independence or even their name. Those handmaids are never given individual names; the Republic regards them as objects or rather as state property and if giving them individual, unchanging names, those will undermine their position as state property. Therefore, the Commander names every Handmaid. (For instance Offred to Of Fred ) The Handmaid s names mark them as the property of the Commanders in whose homes they in currently. Their names will be change again when they move to another new households. I have no experience of living a country like the Republic of Gilead and I think there is no such regime existing on the earth. Nevertheless, indeed, the privilege is existed in all now day societies. Not only between two different genders, but also between dual/multiple groups/classes of people, for instance, rich people dominate the whole state economic and made a bad influence to middle/low classes people; a political party dominated a state, which provide benefit to those who are willing to bound with them and persecuted the other.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Partners HealthCare free essay sample

Create a table that lists the benefits to the patient and to the hospital of an enterprise system for patient medical information and for patient prescriptions and related medical therapies. Benefits for:PatientHospital Patient Medical InformationIf patient’s medical information is in the system and accessible by any PHS personnel, the patient doesn’t have to give the doctors their medical information every time the go to the hospital. The doctor can simply pull up their profile and find out all the info they need to know. We will write a custom essay sample on Partners HealthCare or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It reduces redundancy and increases ease and efficiency. Speeds things up! The fact that the hospital doesn’t have to gather patient info at each time of their visit will make the process go faster and may even result in the hospital being able to see more patients as a result. Also, doctors can get a good understanding of the patient by looking at their profile and finding out all they need to know. Patient is better taken care of and at a faster rate – reduces delays in service delivery. Allows all records to be electronic – not only reduces space from paper files but makes it easy for all employees of the hospital the ability to access the info as needed. Improved quality in patient care (reduces mistakes from doctors). Gives PHS management the ability to data mine. They can look at the data and see how to move forward. The new systems, while hard to get used to at first will benefit the entire population and give the management innovative ways to look in the future. Accurate, timely, and comprehensive information sharing among PHS personnel. Consolidates and collects all the info about a patient over time, including textual info like x-rays. Reduce delays in service delivery, mistakes in treating the patient, and overall health care costs. Patient Prescriptions and Related Medical Therapies Patient wins out too because they are better taken care of as a result of doctors learning from one another through this enterprise system. By having a firm wide system, knowledge can be spread across the network about the best practices from the observable outcomes of recommended medical therapies. Lower cost! Medical practitioners can now make the best recommendations at the lowest cost. Can constantly improve and reform existing therapies from lessons learned Decision support processes that support the medical practitioner in making the best recommendations for drugs and other therapies to patient at lowest possible cost. 2. List the challenges faced by Partners in implementing an enterprise-wide electronic medical records system. †¢Cost – could be very expensive to implement; also additional costs as part of the TCO and extensive upgrades †¢Time! Can take a lot of time to build and implement †¢Data migration – potential data loss from moving paper to electronic form †¢Need for a new backend system to support all electronic data; also, Partners might be required to keep copies of patient’s medical data for 15+ years †¢Ensuring privacy – making sure that only those that need access to the documents gets access to the documents †¢Non-integrated – this could be a problem if the systems do not work with each other or with their clients’ systems †¢Change in workflow for physician– the new EMR requires documenting a lot more information. Not only does the physician have to keep up with this increase in data, but they also have to do it on a new system. This could definitely slow down the physician at first. †¢Disruptive – can change the attitude of the workplace; new technology that will be hard to use at first. Can also affect the culture. †¢Rollout The issue of when rather than if to do it. Is Partners ready for such a system? †¢Complexity of the system – most likely very difficult to change once implemented †¢When a system is improved, there also has to be oversight that the processes are aligned to match the system †¢Training – personnel need adequate training, but this can also be expensive 3. What are the operational IT/MIS challenges and benefits posed by the systems now in place? a. For PHS management? †¢PROS: Gives PHS management the ability to data mine to look for innovative solutions; easy/constant access to patient information; all the data is now in one place; can use the large database of client information to discover trends, patterns, etc. †¢CONS: Have to learn new systems might be harder for management who have been accustomed to older systems to learn the new ones; with the ease of access to all this confidential information, management needs to make sure there are safeguards in place to ensure that privacy is always upheld; collecting quality data could be a problem b. For PHS health care practitioners? †¢PROS: Eliminates the risk that comes with inputting paper copies of records into an electronic system by inputting the information directly into the system at the time of talking with the patient, it means that the information given is correct. †¢CONS: Change in their work physicians now have to document a lot more information than they have in the past, and perhaps this is the first time they’re responsible for documenting the work themselves; all the data collection could potentially slow them down – maybe they can get the patients to fill out some information on their own c. For health care practitioners and allied agencies who must interact with PHS? †¢PROS: Easier to do everything, really. Also opportunities to improve documentation; ease of information access; can get access to some of the most advanced hospital systems in the world; can collaborate with the hospital to improve practices and try to find ways to lower costs †¢CONS: In order for the processes to work, those interacting with PHS must be able to align with their systems. So for example, if allied agencies are currently using a different system that is not compatible with PHS’s new one, then they either have to change their systems altogether or they won’t be able do business with PHS anymore. Also, they might have to sometimes operate using both paper and electronic processes when dealing with their practices and hospitals. Going off that, will also have to learn two different EMR system – one in their own practice as well as the hospitals. d. For the PHS IS organization? †¢PROS: While the IS bears most of the work, they will also ream a lot of the benefits as well. These new systems will make life more efficient at PHS and will eliminate almost all paper documents. It also increases organization, accessibility, and accuracy of the information. †¢CONS: Most of the work of implementing this new system falls into the lap of the IS department. They are the ones that have to handle all the electronic data entry, ensuring all the information is reliable, accurate, and timely, and also ensuring privacy and confidentiality with the patient’s records. It’s not an easy process. They also have to train the PHS staff on how to use the systems and act as help-desk personnel whenever a PHS staff member does not know how to use the new system. So, basically the IS team has to deal with the connection, integration, and collaboration with the new systems. 4. What are the TCO implications of the overall LMR/CPOE investment? As noted in the case, the TCO for the LMR/CPOE investment is quite extensive. It requires a high level of data quality including constant data validation and collection. While it seems like Partners had to put in a lot more money even after their original investment, it is undoubtedly necessary to ensure the success of the systems. As noted in the case, these major systems need love and care even after they’re implemented. Each few years, Partners goes through re-documentation, clean-up, and ongoing maintenance. These clean-ups allow Partners to keep up with best practices across the network. So – TCO can be a lot, but maintaining the on-going costs by upgrading/cleaning up the systems when necessary will make the LMR/CPOE investment last a lot longer (even though it could hurt their ROI).

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Molarity Definition as Used in Chemistry

Molarity Definition as Used in Chemistry In chemistry, molarity is a  concentration unit, defined to be the number of moles of solute divided by the number of liters of solution. Units of Molarity Molarity is expressed in units of moles per liter (mol/L). Its such a common unit, it has its own symbol, which is a capital letter M. A solution that has the concentration 5 mol/L would be called a 5 M solution or said to have a concentration value of 5 molar. Molarity Examples There are 6 moles of HCl in one liter of 6 molar HCl or 6 M HCl.There are 0.05 moles of NaCl in 500 ml of a 0.1 M NaCl solution. (The calculation of moles of ions depends on their solubility.)There are 0.1 moles of Na ions in one liter of a 0.1 M NaCl solution (aqueous). Example Problem Express the concentration of a solution of 1.2 grams of KCl in 250 ml of water. In order to solve the problem, you need to convert the values into the units of molarity, which are moles and liters. Start by converting grams of potassium chloride (KCl) into moles. To do this, look up the atomic masses of the elements on the periodic table. The atomic mass is the mass in grams of 1 mole of atoms. mass of K 39,10 g/molmass of Cl 35.45 g/mol So, the mass of one mole of KCl is: mass of KCl mass of K mass of Clmass of KCl 39.10 g 35.45 gmass of KCl 74.55 g/mol You have 1.2 grams of KCl, so you need to find how many moles that is: moles KCl (1.2 g KCl)(1 mol/74.55 g)moles KCl 0.0161 mol Now, you know how many moles of solute are present. Next, you need to convert the volume of solvent (water) from ml to L. Remember, there are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter: liters of water (250 ml)(1 L/1000 ml)liters of water 0.25 L Finally, youre ready to determine molarity. Simply express the concentration of KCl in water in terms of moles solute (KCl) per liters of solute (water): molarity of solution mol KC/L watermolarity 0.0161 mol KCl/0.25 L watermolarity of the solution 0.0644 M (calculator) Since you were given mass and volume using 2 significant figures, you should report molarity in 2 sig figs also: molarity of KCl solution 0.064 M Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Molarity There are two big advantages of using molarity to express concentration. The first advantage is that its easy and convenient to use because the solute may be measured in grams, converted into moles, and mixed with a volume. The second advantage is that the sum of the molar concentrations is the total molar concentration. This permits calculations of density and ionic strength. The big disadvantage of molarity is that it changes according to temperature. This is because the volume of a liquid is affected by temperature. If measurements are all performed at a single temperature (e.g., room temperature), this is not a problem. However, its good practice to report the temperature when citing a molarity value. When making a solution, keep in mind, molarity will change slightly if you use a hot or cold solvent, yet store the final solution at a different temperature.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Faulty Modifiers on ACT English Grammar Rule Prep

Faulty Modifiers on ACT English Grammar Rule Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One ofcomedian Groucho Marx's most famous jokes involves a pachyderm and some sleepwear. "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas," he says. "How he got in my pajamas I don't know!" This joke is a play on a grammatical error called a misplaced modifier. The modifier errors on the ACT English may not be quite as funny as Groucho's, but you still have to understand how they work. To that end, we'll be covering both the basic grammatical concepts behind faulty modifiers and how to apply that knowledge on the test: Key Principle: Modifiers Must Be Next to What They Modify Dangling Modifiers: Modifying Phrases at the Beginning of Sentences Misplaced Modifiers: Modifier Order Within Sentences ACT English Tips and and Tricks Practice Questions Modifiers Must Be Next to the Thing They're Modifying The heading says it all: the most important concept to remember when dealing with modifiers is that they need to be next to the word they're describing. Sometimes these types of mistakes are obvious: Robot for sale by woman with laser eyes. Hopefully, the robot has the laser eyes, and not the woman. The sentence should be: Robot with laser eyes for sale by woman. However,on the ACT, this kind of error is oftenharder to spot. Take a look at the following sentence: Thoughexhausted, it would be another hour before Zoe got to go home. There's nothing obviously wrong with this sentence, but let's think about what it's actually saying. We start with the modifier "though exhausted." That would seem to be describing Zoe, but it's next to "it," so right now, the sentence is actually saying that "it" is exhausted, which makes no sense. We need to reorder the sentence so that the modifier is next to what it's modifying: Thoughexhausted, Zoe wouldn't get to go home for another hour. There are two main types of faulty modifiers on the ACT English section: dangling modifiers, which involve phrases at the beginning of sentences (e.g. the example about Zoe), and misplaced modifiers, which involve the order of words and phrases within sentences (e.g. the example about the robot). Don't worry about the dangling/misplaced terminology- what's important is how these errors are tested on the ACT, which we're about to cover! This is what you end up with when you misplace modifiers. (Â ©Dan Century) Dangling Modifiers: Modifying Phrases at the Beginning of Sentences Whena sentence begins with a modifying phrase, the intro must be immediately followed by a comma and then the noun it's describing. Incorrect sentences of this type start with modifying phrases that describe something other than the noun immediately following the comma. For example: Runningtoward the lake, the trees were swaying in the wind. "The trees" are obviously not running towards the lake- they don't have legs. There are two ways to correct this kind of error: you can either replace the incorrect noun (in this case "trees") with the correct one, making any changes necessary to preserve the meaning of the sentence (fix 1), or you can turn the intro phrase into a clause that includes the subject the phrase is meant to be describing (fix 2). These techniques sound more complicated than they are, so let's put them to use remedying our issue with the running trees: Fix 1:Runningtoward the lake, I saw the trees swaying in the wind. Fix 2:As I rantoward the lake, the trees wereswaying in the wind. Bothversions of the sentence are equally correct. You won't be asked to choose between the two options- instead, which approach makes more sense will depend on which part of the sentence is underlinedand whatanswer choices you're given. Situation 1: Main Clause Underlined If only the main clause is underlined, you'll need to pick the answer with the correct subject- what I refer to above as fix 1. For example: Incorrect: With tears running down her cheeks, Susie’s sadness was obvious. Correct: With tears running down her cheeks, Susie was obviously sad. Even though the distinction may not seem important, "Susie" and "Susie's sadness" aren't actually the same, and Susie's sadness can't cry. If the second half of the sentence is underlined, the best way to correctthat issue is to replace the incorrect noun "Susie's sadness" with the correct one "Susie." Let's take a look at how this works on an ACT style question: Initiatedby a few loud teenagers, the crowd of concert goers quickly joined the heckling in order to drive the band off the stage. A. NO CHANGE B. in order to drive the band off stage,the crowd of concert goers quickly joined the heckling. C. the point of the heckling, quickly joined by the crowd of concert goers, was to drive the band off stage. D. the heckling, which the crowd of concert goers swiftly joined, was intended to drive the band off stage. What's the problem here? That "the crowd" wasn't initiated by the teenagers, the "heckling" was. As such, "heckling" has to come immediately after the comma, no matter how tempting the other choices are. D is the correct answer. Situation 2: Intro Phrase Underlined On the other hand, if only the introductory phrase is underlined, you have to convertthe introductory phrase into a clause that clarifieswho or what is being described (fix 2). Let's examine our example about Susie from this perspective. Incorrect:With tears running down her cheeks, Susie’s sadness was obvious. Correct:Because there were tears running down Susie'scheeks, Susie’s sadness was obvious. We can't alter the subject in this case, so we need to turn the prepositional phrase into a dependent clause that makes it clear that the cheeks belong to Susie. Let's take a look at how this works in a multiple choice question from an official ACT: As written, this sentence is saying "she" has died down, which doesn't make sense: it should be the fire. But because only the first part is underlined, we can't change "she" to "the fire," instead we have to pick an answer that makes clear that the fire is what's dying down. Clearly, F won't work, and neither does G, since it has the unclear pronoun "it." H and J both specify that we're talking about the fire, but "with" in H doesn't make much sense here- J is the best choice since it maintains the temporal relationship (she bricks up the firebox after the fire dies down), while clarifying what exactly is dying down. Situation 3: Both Parts Underlined On the ACT, you may also see danglingmodifiers in the context of more general sentence organization questions. In these cases, all or most of the sentence is underlined. There's no single correct approach to these types of questions; instead, you need to rule out any answers with grammatical issues, and choose the clearest answer among the remainingoptions. Let's work through an example from an official ACT English section: First we need to figure out who or what is "cheek to cheek," and the only things in this sentence with cheeks arethe dancers. Thus if the sentence starts with "cheek to cheek," a noun or pronoun indicating the dancers should come immediately after. Both F and J incorrectly put other nouns in that position (though "cheek to cheek" describe how the couples dance, the dance itself isn't "cheek-to-cheek"). H switches"cheek to cheek" and "relaxed two-step tempo," which actually makes even less sense, since the latter phrase isn't a modifier (it's a noun phrase). This leaves G, which orders the modifiers logicallyto indicate that they describe how the couples are dancing. You don't want your modifiers to end up like this guy- dangling. (Â ©Tony Hisgett) Misplaced Modifiers: Modifier Placement in Sentences Now that we've covered how to approach questions about modifiers at the beginning of sentences, let's talk about modifier placement within sentences. Let's revisitthe key rule for modifier placement: a modifier must be next to whatever it's modifying. More specifically, single word modifiers, i.e. adverbs and adjectives, generally go before the word they're modifying, while prepositional phrases go after what they're modifying. Incorrect: The monster played weird alone. Correct:The weird monster played alone. "Weird" is an adjective, which means it can be used to describe a noun or pronoun. The only one of those in the sentence is "monster," so "weird" should go before monster. (In some cases, this kind of construction might indicate anadverb vs. adjective error.) Incorrect: The monster sent long letters to his new friend full of details about his life. Correct: The monster sent long letters full of details about his life to his new friend. In the first version of this sentence, the phrase "full of details about his life" comes after, and is thus modifying, "friend." But it's meant to describe "letters." The corrected sentence places the phrases in the appropriate order. There are exceptions to these guidelines, but the idea that modifiers should be next to what they modify isa good rule of thumb. Let's look at a sample ACT style question: Edgar Allan Poeis reveredfor his frightening and stylish stories by literary critics, many of which appear in high school text books. A. NO CHANGE B.by literary critics for his frightening and stylish stories, C.for his frightening and stylish stories, by literary critics, D.by literary critics who deem his stories frightening and stylish, At first glance, there's nothing much wrong with this construction: sure, the order of the prepositional phrases "for his frightening and stylish stories" and "by literary critics" is a bit weird, but the ACT isn't usually that nitpicky. There's actually a bigger issue here, with the non-underlined clause "many of which appear in high school text books." What's which referring to? The stories, not the critics. As such, we need to reorder the underlined portion to put"stories" at the end, making B the correct choice. Though this styleof question appears fairly frequently on the ACT, there's another style of misplaced modifier question that you are almostcertain to see at least once on the test. These questions ask where a modifier should be placed or where it would NOTbe acceptable. In approaching these questions, you want to keep the basic rulesin mind as you try the phrase or word out in different spots. Let's practice onan official ACT question: The first key to this question is catching the EXCEPT: we're looking for the answer choice that doesn't work. I've written out each of the four choices below- can you spot the one that doesn't work? A. The O'odham in the 1700s first encountered the guitars of Spanish missionaries. B. In the 1700s, the O'odham first encountered the guitars of Spanish missionaries. C. The O'odham first encountered the guitars in the 1700s of Spanish missionaries. D. The O'odham first encountered the guitars of Spanish missionaries in the 1700s. If you guessed C, good job! Putting "in the 1700s" after guitars interrupts the noun phrase "guitars of the Spanish missionaries"- all of a sudden the 1700s belong to Spanish missionaries. A is fine because we're talking about what the O'odham did in the 1700s, and in both B and D the phrase is modifying the whole sentence, which makes sense since it's describing when this event occurred. Applying Modifier Ruleson the ACT Now that we've gone over all the rules you need to know, let's review some of the key points about how to spot and answer faulty modifierquestions on the ACT. What to watchfor: Prepositional phrases at the beginning of sentences where the phrase itself, the clause after the comma, or both are underlined Questions that ask about "placement" Rules to keep in mind: A modifier must be next to what it's modifying Adjectives and adverbs go before the word they're describing Prepositional phrases usually go immediately after whatever they're modifying Helpful ACT English tips: Make sure to watch out for EXCEPT and NOT. Even though they're in all caps, they can be easy to skip over- get in the habit of circling them every time you see them Think about both what a modifier is currently describing and what it's actually meant to be describing Watch out for answers that fix the original modifier issue but are ungrammatical in another way and those that create modifier errors when attempting to rephrase a sentence Remember that there are a lot of different ways to fix faulty modifiers- use process of elimination to narrow down wrong answers rather than focusing on one specific way of correcting the error Just like these athletes, you'll only improve if you practice! Test Your Knowledge! I've created some ACT English practice questions dealing withfaultymodifiers. Give them a try! 1. While watching TV, the power went out, scaring Christina. A. NO CHANGE B.the power going out scared Christina. C. Christina was scared by the power going out. D. Christina's fear was inspired by the power going out. 2.I was waiting in line with a young girl who was sketching in a flowing scarf with colored pencils. The best placement for the underlined portion would be: F.where it is now. G.after the word line. H.after the word girl. J.after the wordpencils(ending the sentence with a period). 3.Suggested by me the new mystery novel, supposedly a page turner, our book club decided to read it unanimously. A. NO CHANGE B. Our book club unanimously decided to read the new mystery novel I suggested, which was supposed to be a page turner. C. A page turner, unanimously the new mystery novel was decided by our book club, suggested by me. D.Decided on by our book club, the new mysterynovel, a page turner, was suggested unanimously by me. Answers: 1. C, 2. H, 3. B What's Next? Now that you've mastered misplaced modifiers, take a look at some of our other ACT grammar guides on frequentlytestedtopics like subject-verb agreementand comma usage. Make sure you know the 5 key ACT English strategies, and if you're aimingfor an especiallyhigh score, check out our guide to getting a 36 on the ACT English from a perfectscorer. Looking to build a study plan? Read our complete plan to studying for the ACT, review what the ACT English actually covers, and take a practice test (or five!). Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this English lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analyzing argement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analyzing argement - Essay Example In â€Å"Execution,† Anna Quindlen argues that death penalty is wrong because it does not achieve its desired ends. She stresses that it cannot provide sufficient justice for victims and their families and it does not make any moral sense. These authors have similarities in the use of personal ideas and anecdotal and hypothetical evidence as evidence, logos through inductive reasoning and agreement on death penalty’s goals, and pathos through an empathic writing style that appeals to justice, although they differ in writing style, audience, and attitude toward death penalty. Quindlen is more persuasive than Mencken because her ironic tone emphatically argues that death penalty is wrong because it is simply morally insufficient as a form of retribution. These authors have similarities in the use of personal ideas and anecdotal and hypothetical evidence. Mencken talks about his personal ideas when attacking the opponents of death penalty. He argues from his personal viewpoint that crime deterrence is not the only goal of death penalty, and instead â€Å"katharsis† is â€Å"practically considered† and â€Å"more important† (1). By saying this, he shows that something more personal and emotional is behind the need for death penalty. Quindlen also offers her personal ideas on death penalty. She admits that her â€Å"guts† â€Å"govern† her ideas on death penalty, which is why she can be â€Å"hypocritical† about it (450.3). Like Mencken, Quindlen personalizes her attack on death penalty by asserting her personal feelings toward it. In addition, both authors use anecdotal evidence as proof for their arguments. For instance, Mencken says he has not heard any executioner who is complaining of his job and instead, he has â€Å"known many who delighted in their ancient art, and practiced it proudly† (1). By saying ancient art, he is underlining the proud tradition behind death penalty. Quindlen also uses anecdotal evidence when she says that the justice system is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business entity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business entity - Essay Example The limited partnership is not subject to federal income tax. The limited partnership allows the acceptance of two partners who contribute a different fund amount and a third partner who only contributes his or her services in lieu of capital, considering each of the owners has a spouse and adult children. Normally, the limited partner’s contribution to the partnership is lower than the general partners’ contributions. The limited partners are prohibited from participating in the management decisions of the partnership. Only general partners are allowed to make management decisions (Clifford, 2008). In terms of limited partnership’s liability, the creditors can get the general partner’s family assets to pay for the liabilities of the limited partnership. On the other hand, the creditors cannot get the limited partner’s family assets to pay for the liabilities of the limited partnership’s liabilities (Clifford, 2008). The best form of business for a small business is limited partnership. For a limited partnership, a small business can easily grow to become a big business when the most opportune moment comes. As the business profits continue, all the limited partnership’s partners can increase the store size, sell more product types, or up a new branch in another locality (Clifford, 2008). Analyzing the above information, many persons want to form a limited partnership. The limited partnership is tax exempt. The creditors can only get the general partners’ assets. Only the general partners can make partnership decisions. Convincingly, the limited partnership works best in the above business

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The outbreak of the cold war between the years of 1945-49 Essay Example for Free

The outbreak of the cold war between the years of 1945-49 Essay Question: Using sources A,B,C,D,E and F your own knowledge, who do you think was to blame for the outbreak of the cold war between the years of 1945-49? There is numerous numbers of arguments that blame the Russians for the Cold war this was by people with clear orthodox views. This is shown in sources A, B, C and D. But however many revisionists have also argued that USA was at fault, this can be seen in source E. However post revisionist argues that cold war was both Russias and the USAs fault this can be seen in source F. Source A is from a historian who talks about the need for American self interest. The importance of the American economy. I think that this source shows that Americas was not at fault for the Cold war and that they were only trying to stabilise their economy and avoid another depression. The source is clearly written by a person with orthodox views as it also say that post-war period was a perfect way of America spreading its idea of peace and prosperity. This source I feel clearly shows that Russia was to blame as it shows that America was only interested in self interest. Furthermore Source B highlights the point the point that Russia was to blame for the cold war this is because source B is a picture of a traditional Russian Bear smothering the world and crawling all over it. This shows that the Russians intended to spread their word of communism all over the world. The source is clearly drawn by a person with orthodox views and who believes that Russia was trying to bring the whole world under its sphere of influence. This again shows that Russia was to blame for the cold war. In addition Source D which was written by Arthur Schlesinger who was a key orthodox writer? Source D shows that after the war Stalin had a lingering hunger for world domination which was driven by his paranoia and also says that the cold war was a response by America which was trying to liberate the communist aggression. This clearly shows that the Russia was to blame for the Cold war this is because of when Schlesinger stated that Stalin wanted world domination this shows that America only countered to stop the world from falling into the hands of Stalin. Furthermore in Source C it firstly says that America provoked Russia but however it quickly moves to establish the point that the USA was responding to a range of dangers from the Soviets for e.g. the Iron Curtain which Churchill spoke about. Source C is also a clear orthodox view as it shows that USA only reacted to Russia initial actions. It also say that the USAs reaction was also a response to the results of the Second World War. Furthermore other facts that can be said that shows that Russia started the Cold war was the fact of its Salami Tactics and how it brought down many eastern European countries also the Czechoslovakian coup and the infamous death of Czech Patriot Jan Masuryk and also The Berlin Blockade. However Source E contradicts the fact that Russia was at fault for the Cold war this source shows that the Soviets only desired security in the form of friendly states and not in the form of invasion. But however instead of Russia paranoia the Americans paranoia that the soviets were planning to take over the world provoked them in taking an aggressive get tough with Russia policy. This is a revisionist view as it points the blame to the USA for the cold war. Furthermore during 1945-49 there was many things in which the Americans done to provoke the Russians such as in the infamous Iron curtain speech by Churchill also the Kennan Long telegram these are signs that America had started the Cold war because they started to provoke Russia first. However Source F contradicts both the Orthodox and the Revisionist view as its is a picture which shows that the Americans and the Russians trying to split the world in half. This post revisionist picture indicates that may be both the superpowers were at fault because they both seemed to want to bring counties into its sphere of influence the post revisionist view is what most neutral see as the correct view this is because if you weigh up all the actions between 1945-49 such as The Marshall plan, Truman doctrine and Berlin airlift vs. the Salami Tactics, Soviet pressure on Iran and the Berlin blockade then you can see that they just provoked each other. In conclusion I feel that the orthodox and revisionist view both highlight key points and show faults of the other sides but I feel that the post revisionist is the most accurate as it shows that both camps were at fault for the Cold war. This is because both the USA and the Russians had done things to accredit them with the blame of the cold war. Finally I believe that the cold war was a bilateral thing and only lasted so long because of both of the camps lack of negotiation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Grimms The Brave Little Tailor and Aschenputtel :: Childrens Literature Essays

Comparing Grimms' The Brave Little Tailor and Aschenputtel In Germany, fairy tales were a part of day-to-day life and "the Germans have repeatedly used fairy tales to explain the world to themselves" (Zipes 75). In fact, Kinder-und Hausmà ¤rchen was indeed in nearly every household in Germany. These fairy tales written by the Grimm Brothers are known for being "German fairy tales." So what makes these tales so Germanic and others tales not? How do Grimms' "German tales" compare to others? Through evaluating two works by the Grimms, The Brave Little Tailor and Aschenputtel, we will answer these questions. The characteristics that the Grimm fairy tales possess do seem to be quite Germanic. The German people are usually very stubborn, more violent than not, and very sarcastic. In The Brave Little Tailor, the cat carries the characteristics of a typical German. He has gone and collected partridges for the King and returned with gold for his master. He then tells his master that this gold will not make them content, that they will need more to be happy. How stubborn of the cat to be so greedy in nature. This tale begins with the death of the miller and ends with the death of the king. Although not giving gruesome details of the death, this continues to have a feeling of violence. The last trait is that of sarcasm. The cat is trying to fend for his life against being made into a pair gloves while the narrators, the Grimms, make fun of a cat being able to talk and walk like a human. This seems to be a serious part of the story, however, the Brothers make it light hearted by contri buting sarcastic humor. In Aschenputtel, there is not one character that possesses all the Germanic traits. The stepmother demonstrates being stubborn when she continuously finds chores for Cinderella to do. First she puts only one bowl of lentils in the ashes and the next time she uses two bowls. When Cinderella achieves both tasks with time remaining. The sarcasm is very light in this tale but is shown through the repetition of the pecking of the birds. It is also shown when the pigeons sing songs that rhyme. Aschenputtel is a very violent tale. It begins, like The Brave Little Tailor, with the death of Cinderella's mother.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Meat Eaters vs Vegetarians

Universidad del Sagrado Corazon San Juan, Puerto Rico Argumentative Essay Vicente R. Rivera Velez Jean G. Piwinski English-114 Section 6 Professor Milagros A. Rodriguez November 10, 2011 Meat eaters vs. Vegetarians If you have to choose between meat eaters and vegetarians, which side would you select? Personally we understand that vegetarian’s people eat healthier than the meat eaters but even doe, we consider our self meat eaters. Meat eaters and vegetarians are extremely different in terms of flavor and health. We are meat eaters because of its taste and flavors.Meats have more flavors than vegetables; this is because meats contains juices and are cook with different spices that have strong flavors. Some of these flavors are parsley, basil, garlic, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce etc. We are not telling that vegetarians don’t eat flavored food but the reality is that meat has lots of more flavors. In terms of taste, it depends on each people for example; vegetarian s will say that their food taste better and the same with the meat eaters. But we look for information from the experts and Dr.Robert Madda in his internet page title â€Å"Meat & Vegetables on the HCG Diet† certifies that our statement it’s true, meat has more flavors and taste better. The vegetarians eat healthier because of meat having saturated fat and high cholesterol. Meat eaters have more risk of having diseases and health problems such as heart attack or stroke from the vegetarians. Some studies show that vegetarians have less opportunities of having cancer. Meat can stay in your body up to 7 years and vegetable can be easy eliminated from the body. Some vegetarians are vegetarians because they are animal activist.Animal activist are those people that have compassion and want to end the mistreating and the cruelty of the animals. Some meats are not healthy because some suppliers inject chemicals and preservative so it could last longer. Vegetarians also have so me health risk because chicken and fish have many different bacteria. Some studies tell that they have more bacteria than a toilet. Salmonella is a popular bacterium that you can find in chicken and fish. Salmonella is a bacterium that attacks intestine and blood stream. Some examples of its effects are diarrhea, fever and give you intense pain.Salmonella is not a deadly disease but you will feel like if you where going to die due to the huge pain. When it comes to food there is going to be always some problem because a bacterium, cholesterol, fats etc. As known meat eaters and vegetarians have typical foods. Meat eaters like every type of meat here are some example of different types of meats; steaks, cheeseburger, t-bone, fried steak, ham, pork, bacon, ribs, prime rib, lamb, veal etc. Meat eater usually like to have nest to the meat as a side order mash potatoes, baked potatoes, rice and beans, pasta and some times vegetables and salad.Our favorite plate would be a nice steak with baked potatoes, specifically a filet mignon there is nothing better. Vegetarian people also eat great food for example; they eat fish like red snapper, maji maji, grouper, tilapia, salmon etc. Also they eat chicken, salads and vegetables; for the vegetarian people a familiar plate that they eat is baked chicken with caesar salad. This vegetarian diet is very strict a difficult to follow. Recently vegetarian population is growing, a few years ago only 3. 2% of the population was on the vegetarian diet. Today according to vegetariantimes. om 10% of the American populations are vegetarian. But a study show that 5. 2 % of the population are interested in the vegetarian diet. A 59% of the vegetarian populations are woman and the average age of vegetarian people is 30. In the other side meat eaters are better known as carnivore. Carnivore is the same as meat eaters and this term is also used in animals. For example we can say that the lion is a carnivore animal. This means that when you are carnivore you depend mainly of the meat diet. Meat eaters also have can find diseases in the food. High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity etc. re some examples of diseases. We as carnivores recommend to all the others meat eaters that these diseases are not a joke and they should do go to the doctor at least twice in a year. But a the same time eating meat give you high quality proteins an it also require all the amino acid that your body needs. Meat contains high iron compare to plant and vegetable. It’s recommended to eat meat but in moderated quantities, also you should avoid eating bacon and salami because they are very high in fats. In conclusion meat eaters and vegetarians are extremely different.We can say that they taste different and have different flavor. The meat is the tastiest but the vegetarians are healthier. We are meat eaters because our island is full with flavors and we love to eat great food with great flavor. As meat eaters we respect the entire veget arian community and we understand the reason of being one. At the same time we think that everyone needs to have at least a minor portion of meat because all the proteins and the iron that you will not find in a vegetarian plate. For us there is nothing like a huge plate of meat after work or after doing sport to recharge all the batteries.References Benefits Of Eating Meat. (n. d. ). Sikh Philosophy Network. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. sikhphilosophy. net/sikh-youth/14321-benefits-of-eating-meat. html Meat Eaters Vs. Vegetarians | Healthmad. (n. d. ). Healthmad. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://healthmad. com/health/meat-eaters-vs-vegetarians/ Smith, B. (n. d. ). What Is Salmonella And What Are Its Effects? | InjuryBoard Atlanta. Injury Board Atlanta | Georgia Personal Injury Attorney. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://atlanta. injuryboard. om/defective-and-dangerous-products/what-is-salmonella-and-what-are-its-effects. aspx? googleid=212314 What is th e Difference Between Meat Eaters VS Vegetarians? | Health Related Articles. (n. d. ). Health Related Articles | Everything you want to know about your Health. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. healthforworld. com/what-is-the-difference-between-meat-eaters-vs-vegetarians life. , t. w. (n. d. ). Vegetarian vs Meat eaters Vegetarianism In America . Vegetarian Times – Great Food, Good Health, Smart Living. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. vegetariantimes. com/features

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What is the value of people management to project management?

Abstract People skills and their value to project management have become a substantial topic of debate as the international community develops business strategies. This essay examines the project management field with a focus of evaluating the importance of the human element. The evidence presented demonstrates that developing strategies are relying more often on an adaptive framework that incorporates heavy human resources and relations efforts with positive results. This work will be of interest to any person studying the field of project management. 1 Introduction The question of how important people skills are in project management efforts has become a growing topic of debate (Morgeson et al, 2013). Seemingly once overlooked, the elements of human resources and the potential to encourage a higher rate of performance suggest an emerging innovative nature among the leaders of the business community. Beginning with a base overview of project management efforts, this essay works to illustrate the importance that the ability to effectively manage people can have on any form of project. 2 Project Management The commonly held definition of project management is the entire creation and control of a specific aim made up of several interlocking elements including planning, acquisition, motivation and resolution of day to day issues (Lock et al, 2013). This definition outlines the expectation that the project manager is the person in control of any individual effort, making each of the decisions that this persons makes critical to the nature of the underlying project. There are a wide range of management choices to be made from the very first, withincluding incremental, iterative, phased and lean making each element fragile (Lock et al, 2013). With each separate method of implementation there is a real focus on creating a strategy that is effective at managing resources as well as successfully reaching deadlines and achieving goals. In order to achieve this first step and reach a positive conclusion, the skill of efficiently utilising resources, including employees and human resources, must be a cornerstone of strategy (Larsen et al, 2013). This revelation suggests a tacit support for the inclusion of the human element at every level of emerging project planning theory. Yet, with this rising recognition of value and potential in the human resources element, the question of why previous generations did not associate such potential becomes a question. Two central approaches to project management have come to encompass the field; Traditional and Agile (Kerzner, 2003). With the names signifying the defining parameters of each avenue the traditional has been the most used and recognised process with the Agile form coming to represent the need to remain flexible, or adaptable in the face of modern competition and circumstances (Kerzner, 2003). The Agile method is based on the traditional approach with an increased emphasis on the associated human elements that contribute to the trait of adaptability (Kerzner, 2003). As the case study of ITNET in the UK in 2003 suggested that the addition of soft skills or increased human resources capacity adds a great deal in area of motivation to any on-going project (Cowie, 2003). This is suggestive that t at the turn of the century there was a building recognition of human resources skill value as well as the need to maintain this level of skill in the developing systems in order to enhance succe ss opportunities. Of the several approaches offered, the traditional method has been commonly associated with a general project management application (Pandey, 2008). This avenue consists of five well recognised principles that are expected to be met, with each area directly associated with employee, or human, oversight. Initiation, design, execution, monitoring and completion make up the most common stages of any project (Pandey, 2008). In every area this argument suggests that there is a basic need for human resources, and therefore there rests the potential for streamlining and improving performance. This is highly suggestive of the condition that there is a valid supposition for the inclusion of human resources in a progressive strategy.2.1 ProcessesCreating a starting point for any project, the initiation process marks the moment that the base nature and effectiveness of the effort is determined (White et al, 2002). This requires a thorough understanding of the complexities of the task at hand a s well as complete knowledge of the associated timetable and available resources. The placement of a quality person adds to the potential for a project to succeed from the moment this evaluation and determination takes place (Hiriyappa, 2009). This stage outlines the needs of the project as associated with the operating elements, which in turn is directly impacted by the choices of the person in charge (Hiriyappa, 2009), suggesting that this initial decision to put a person in place could be among the most critical of project management accomplishments. The planning and design stage of any project is directly responsible for developing the underlying strategy that takes into account every element (Kerzner, 2003). This suggests that again, effective decision-making qualities and the capacity to identify positive properties in the associated employees allows for a smoother execution of strategy. Further, the human element of estimation and risk planning is directly associated with the personnel in place, which in turn can determine the success or failure of any project (Larsen et al, 2013). The evidence is suggestive of the demonstration that human resource decisions at this level reflect the needs of the project and assist in determining how well the effort is undertaken. The stage of execution follows planning, which in turn, requires an effective human resource effort in order to ensure that the standards of the developing project (Karjewski et al, 1999). This is an indication that components, such as direct management, quality control and long term planning, must be efficiently addressed at this stage, requiring human skills. This stage cannot be effectively concluded without testing the implementation efforts, which in turn demands the presence of leadership (Morgeson et al, 2013). Closely tied to the final stages of the traditional approach to project management, the execution stage leads to the control and monitoring of any project (Morgenson et al, 2013). This process of measurement and assessment require knowledge, experience and skill in order to properly operate, which requires a well-placed person, or team, with the inherent capacity to meet these standards (Greenbert et al, 2005). Lacking an effective human resource placement, there is the real potential for a project to be diminished or halted all together, making this area once again one of pivotal importance. The final stage of the commonly held process is closing, or the true ending of the effort, with final closing and contract closure (Andersson et al, 2013). As each area of the project is judged complete and the terms of the contracts have been acknowledged, the leadership to efficiently tie up every remaining task is vital (Lock et al, 2013). This suggests that effective human resource skills at this juncture enable a far better understanding and capacity to complete and close out a project. As the evidence in the argrument demonstrates, there is a need for human resource considerations at every stage of the project management process. At each level the critical decisions needed require thoughtful and well-rounded people skills that has the inherent capacity to add a tremendous amount of positivity to any project.2.2 MethodologiesWith the science of project management continuing to develop over the course of time, thereare several different approaches used in the effort to attain success (Lock et al, 2013). Clear differences in needs and goals make the choice of methodological tool essential to the project .Since its creation in the mid 1990’s the Prince2 has provided an output-oriented project management framework that has been used by many in the business world (Andersson et al, 2013). The Prince2 concept of management has been utilised by the Cheshire Constabulary in a positive manner dating from the year 2010 (Day, 2010). This system is credited with allowing the project to succeed and improve focus and overall results, yet at the same moment the case study acknowledges the support and human resources that were innate to the success of effort (Day, 2010). This is suggestive of the fact that human skills were needed during the effort. This perception that the framework allowed the leadership to remain on course and succeed in Cheshire, supports the need for an effective system. Yet, as Larsen et al (2013) argues in his project management work, the developing field of business requires new skills, which in turn continues to make the area of human resources essential to operations such as the Cheshire Constabulary. The Agile project management method employs an enhanced human component in order to attain goals and reach success (Larsen et al, 2013). Used more often in the world of technology and creativity, the Agile approach is different from the traditional planning method in that it is made up of many smaller elements combined, making it nearly impossible to plan beforehand (Larsen et al, 2013). The Agile project management process has been utilised at several high level projects that required creative and adaptive thinking with the inherent ability to find solutions outside of the norm. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, uses the Agile method in their Sentinel Project to a notable success, demonstrating the effectiveness of the process (Wernham, 2012). During the course of this effort, the Agile system was credited with recognising the potential in the employee’s and providing the means for leadership to make the most of it (Wernham, 2012). This evidence sugge sts that the incorporation of increased human relations ability increases the capacity of the effort to succeed, even in a very high stress environment. A second example of the Agile project management system finding traction in the modern world is found in the company Mastak (Somal, 2013). The need for an adaptable platform that with the ability to incorporate international opportunities, led to the decision to use the Agile approach. With the development and conclusion of the initial project, the Agile system was credited with providing the company the knowledge to produce what their clients needed through a better appreciation of the human element (Somal, 2013). This application of enhanced human resources to aid in the communication and day to day interaction with consumers to increase use, suggests that the area there potential in this area to a low cost method of enhancing production. With each method, the utilisation of human resources and leadership is vital to the success of the project. This is suggestive that the developing methods such as Agile will become more prominent as the need for adaptability continues to grow.2.3 Human Resources Skill SetNew and developing skill sets are necessary in order to accommodate the evolving area of project management and human resources (Miller, 2013). New skills, including sharing the vision and making workshops available, begin to play a role in developing communication (Miller, 2013). Further, the opportunity to assess needed change allows for the leadership to anticipate the needs of their employees, which in turn must be carried out in planning for these needs to be met (Miller, 2013). This requirement for adaptability is best demonstrated by the leadership, which in turn provides impetus for others to be influenced, thereby creating the needed environment (Miller, 2013). Finally, there should be a continual effort o f communication education aimed at making the most of every personnel opportunity, thereby enriching the entire effort. At every step of these suggested enhancements rests the base requirement of increased psychological engagement with the employee’s in order to make the project possible 3. Conclusion The question of how much importance people skills are in the project management effort has been assessed in the body of this essay with several interesting results. Efforts from the turn of the century illustrate a growing awareness of the need for increased employee outreach and communication. This trend is further supported by the additional case studies presented throughout the first decade of the century highlighting the success of project management methods using increased human resource outreach. The developing world of international business, with software, internet concerns and banking leading the way, are demanding a more adaptable method of project management, which in turn requires managers and employees that have the capacity to change on a moment’s notice. As this essay has shown, the importance of people management to the overall project is as essential as the presence of resources and funding. In the end, the evidence presented in this essay clearly suggests th at lacking a primary component, such as people management skills, creates the potential for a diminished project. 4. References Andersson, L., Jackson, S. and Russell, S. (2013). Greening organizational behaviour: An introduction to the special issue. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 34(2), pp.151–155. Cowie, G. (2003). The importance of people skills for project managers. Industrial and Commercial Training, 35(6), pp.256–258. Day, M. (2011). A Case Study: The Cheshire Constabulary Case Study. APM Group, 1(1), pp.1-15. Greenberg, J. and Colquitt, J. (2005). Handbook of organizational justice. 1st ed. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Hiriyappa, B. (2009). Organizational behavior. 1st ed. New Delhi: New Age International. Kerzner, H. (2003). Project management workbook to accompany Project management – a systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling, eighth edition. 1st ed. New York: Wiley. Krajewski, L. and Ritzman, L. (1999). Operations management. Reading, MA ua: Addison Wesley. Larsen, T. and Olaisen, J. (2013). Innovating strategically in information and knowledge management: Applications of organizational behavior theory. International Journal of Information Management, 33(5), pp.764–774. Ling, K. (2009). prInCE2Â ® 2009 pilot Case Study. Prince2, 1(1), pp.1-5. Lock, D. and Scott, L. (2013). Gower handbook of people in project management. 1st ed. Farnham, Surrey: Gower Publishing. Miller, D. (2013). Putting a people focus into project management. Project Manager Today, 1(1), p.1. Morgeson, F., Aguinis, H., Waldman, D. and Siegel, D. (2013). Extending corporate social responsibility research to the human resource management and organizational behavior domains: A look to the future. Personnel Psychology, 66(4), pp.805–824. Pandey, D. (2008). Rural project management. 1st ed. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers. Scott, N. (2010). Case Study: Using ITILÂ ® and PRINCE2Â ® Together. Axelos, 1(1), pp.1-10. Somal, V. (2013). Agile Project Management empowers teams at Mastek. APMG International, 1(1), pp.1-3. Wernham, B. (2012). Agile Project Management for Government Case study: Case study: The Success of the FBI Sentinel Project The Success of the F. Agile Business Conference, 1(1), pp.1-5. White, D. and Fortune, J. (2002). Current practice in project management—An empirical study.International Journal of Project Management, 20(1), pp.1–11.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

My Public and Private School Experience Professor Ramos Blog

My Public and Private School Experience Photo by å‘ ¨ Ã¥ º · on Pexels.com When I started school I was a kindergartner at Calvary Christian School. It is a private school with about 200-300 students. I went from kindergarten until my freshman year was over. The dress code was a red, white, or blue polo shirt with a Navy Gabardine Box Pleated Jumper or Hamilton Plaid Knife Pleated Jumper for girls from kinder to eighth grade. The boys wore the same shirts with Navy Hawthorne Pleated pants from kinder to senior year. Once a girl reached 9th-12th grade they would wear skirts. The school subjects did not have a variety to choose from. Bible, Math, History, Science, P.E. and Fine Arts were the main classes provided. We all took the same classes together while not having the option of taking any ap classes. I joined the volleyball team but due to my grades my 9th grade year I could not play and I found out on the last day of school that I was going to have to take summer school or get held back. My parents didn’t take that well at all and decided to take me out. I was shocked about the news and began to worry about what is going to happen for the next school year and were I was going to attend. Luckily my mom works for the Beaumont school district and I got transfered over to Beaumont High School because at the time we were living in Banning Ca. I knew that getting adjusted to a new school and people was going to be nerve wracking but I will be gaining a new experience I never had before and I may end up liking it. Beaumont High School had around 2,000-3,000 students, no dress code limitations, counselors and a variety of classes to take. The first day of high school came around I was nervous but excited. When I got ready I remember wearing a black and white t-shirt with light blue shorts and some vans. The first day was a bit embarrassing because my fly was down the entire time and I never noticed it until I dressed out for P.E. even though we weren’t even supposed to dress out. As the weeks and months went by I felt more comfortable, I got used to it very quickly and made new friends along the way. What I learned about diversity from my point of view was the change and the adaptation I was going to have to make. I think that change is very good because it can help you grow, offer new opportunities, it can show progress and new beginnings. Others have helped me with encouragement about going to public school. My family would talk about some things they went through. My Aunt Anita in particular told me that she had to get adjusted to high school when she went while being in public all of her life. She said â€Å" Everyone goes through different stages in their life and starting of high school is one of them and you will get through it and it will be a breeze as time goes on.† I think talking to others about my situation was very beneficial because I got a look of what some of my family have went through and also one of my friends that was currently attending Calvary Christian School. Sarah Weeks and I were the only ones that stayed at that school until high school and we always thought we were going to graduate together. I attended her graduation and it was crazy seeing her up their and realizing we are finishing high school separately. We were both happy and sad that we didn’t graduate together but most importantly were still friends and still reminisce on the little things that happened throughout the years. What I learned the most from attending both of these schools is that you can succeed wherever you go and still learn new things in the process you just have to be determined wherever you go and learn from it. I believe that my experience can show others what kind of change I went through and it ended up being very positive than I thought and people should be open to it in different situations and they should step out of their comfort zone once in awhile because you can gain something out of it and can also share your own story to others whether it be good or bad because every experience is different. I have always wondered how different it would be if I went to public school first and eventually being placed in a private school because it would be a very different encounter and just adjusting to a new routine would take time for me to get used to. My sister was placed in private school for about a year and then started in public and will continue to go there. She is in the first grade right now, but its interesting to know how different both of our experiences were from each others. I would say going to public school has helped me become open to meeting new people and talking to others. I remember being very shy and to myself most of the time but eventually got the courage to be more outgoing. I think going to the private school for so long I was already used to everyone so I wasn’t as shy and to myself because I knew a lot of the people at such a young age. It was hard at first because I didn’t know anyone from bhs and I had to put myself more out there and I really didn’t want to. By opening myself to others I felt like they were really understanding who I am and what type of person I was which made made everything positive. Going to completely different schools is hard but it is doable if you put yourself out there you may have to change somethings in your daily life than you are used to but it can be beneficial to you and give you a new perspective like the school topics, dress code and the different types of people you encounter.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Brief Overview of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

The trans-Atlantic slave trade was the largest long-distance coerced movement of people in history and, prior to the mid-nineteenth century, formed the major demographic well-spring for the re-peopling of the Americas following the collapse of the Meridian population. Cumulatively, as late as 1820, nearly four Africans had crossed the Atlantic for every European, and, given the differences in the sex ratios between European and African migrant streams, about four out of every five females that traversed the Atlantic were from Africa.From the late fifteenth century, the Atlantic Ocean, once a formidable barrier that prevented regular interaction between those peoples inhabiting the four continents it touched, became a commercial highway that integrated the histories Of Africa, Europe, and the Americas for the first time. As the above figures suggest, slavery and the slave trade were the linchpins of this process.With the decline of the Meridian population, labor from Africa formed the basis of the exploitation of the gold and agricultural resources of the export sectors of the Americas, with sugar laminations absorbing well over two thirds of slaves carried across the Atlantic by the major European and Euro-American powers. For several centuries slaves were the most important reason for contact between Europeans and Africans.What can explain this extraordinary migration, organized initially on a continent where the institution of slavery had declined or totally disappeared in the centuries prior to Columbian contact, and where, even when it had existed, slavery had never been confined to one group of people? To pose the question differently, why slavery, and why were the slaves carried across the Atlantic exclusively African? The short answer to the first of these two questions is that European expansion to the Americas was to mainly tropical and semi-tropical areas.Several products that were either unknown to Europeans (like tobacco), or occupied a luxury niche in pre-expansion European tastes (like gold or sugar), now fell within the capacity of Europeans to produce more abundantly. But while Europeans could control the production of such exotic goods, it became apparent in the first two centuries af ter Columbian contact that they chose not to supply the labor that would make such output possible.Free European migrants and indentured servants never traveled across the Atlantic in sufficient numbers to meet the labor needs of expanding plantations. Convicts and prisoners the only Europeans who were ever forced to migrate were much fewer in numbers again. Slavery or some form of coerced labor was the only possible option if European consumers were to gain access to more tropical produce and precious metals.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Market entry plan for Walmart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Market entry plan for Walmart - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is Walmart that was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. Over the years, it has expanded to become one the US’ largest chain of retail stores, growing into almost 300 stores by the end of the 1970s, and now with over 10,000 stores globally. Its first foray into the international market was in the early 90s, when it entered into a joint venture with Mexico’s largest retailer Cifra to operate Sam’s Club. This move was to be considered its most successful entry into foreign trade, having conquered the Mexican market and contributing approximately 30% of all food sales in the local market. To date, it has not really matched its tremendous success in Mexico. Walmart now has global presence in Mexico, Germany, China and the United Kingdom, among others. It has 5,651 stores and approximately 780,000 associates in 26 countries outside the continental US. It has acquired stores, co-branded or actually brought the Walmart brands into these new locations. However, its market entry strategy has always been perceived as weak, primarily because the company has applied the same market entry strategies in majority of the locations it ventured into. Management failed to take into consider the idiosyncrasies of each country that the company has tried to penetrate, and understand the unique market needs within each culture and social setup per location. (This is not America. Why Walmart left Germany 2012). In fact, Walmart was even described as among the several retailers that have â€Å"underestimated the role of conducting cultural due diligence prior to foreign market entry†, resulting to massive pullouts in strategic locations such as Germany and South Korea, and losing of billions of dollars in the process (Retail Internationalization 2012). Taking into consideration historical hits and misses in global market penetration, this paper aims to discuss and recommend appropriate market entry strategies to ensure that t he company’s next international venture will promise more success than failure. II. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY Australia is considered to be one of the strongest economies in the world. The country has been highly praised by various international organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its ‘brilliant macroeconomic management and consistent economic reform’. The Australian government has created a stable and strong base for economic growth. Its current GDP growth rate is 3.8% with an inflation rate of 2.5%. It is considered to be the second easiest economy for new businessmen and the third easiest place to get credit for a business, and has few restrictions in the field of Trade and Investment (Australia Business and Economy 2012). Australia has a reliable banking system and has fast and friendly regulatory procedures. It is known for having little restriction of product markets. This country is best fit as venue for global expansion as far as Walm art is concerned. Walmart entered various locations through several entry strategies. The company entered the Mexican market through a 50-50 joint venture with Cifra, Mexico’s strongest retail company. It counted on home grown Cifra to provide operational expertise, something that is needed by Walmart considering the cultural difference between the two countries, and the economic and political situation of Mexico. This bold move to partner with a local company proved to be highly successful for Walmart considering that this is their most successful foreign partnership to date. In Canada, Walmart acquired local company Woolco to be able to penetrate the Canadian market. This decision is brought about by the fact that the Canadian mark

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assignment #3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

#3 - Assignment Example Discuss the final result of the different schedules in Figure 21.3 (a) and (b), where M = 2 and N = 2, with respect to the following questions. Does adding the above condition change the final outcome? Does the outcome obey the implied consistency rule (that the capacity of X is 90)? However, a transaction could end in two ways, When it â€Å"Commits† that is all changes to the database are registered or â€Å"Rollback† when the chances are ignored and database returns to original state. With ARIES, main memory buffers that have been modified are not flushed to disk. ARIES, however writes additional information to the LOG in the form of a Transaction Table and a Dirty Page Table when a checkpoint occurs. No-steal means that the cache (buffer) page updated by a transaction cannot be written to disk before the transaction commits. Force means that updated pages are written to disk when a transaction commits. 24.33  - Suppose that privilege (a) of exercise 24.32 is to be given with GRANT OPTION but only so that account A can grant it to at most five accounts, and each of these accounts can propagate the privilege to other accounts but without the GRANT OPTION privilege. What would the horizontal and vertical propagation limits be in this case? 24.34  - Consider the relation shown in Figure 24.2 (d). How would it appear to a user with classification U? Suppose a classification U user tries to update the salary of "Smith" to $50,000; what would be the result of this

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Aerodynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Aerodynamics - Essay Example It corrects the destabilization and possible accident that may occur when one engine of a plane collapses or fails when flying. According to Gudmundsson (2014), a plane loses over 80% of the existing thrust levels when operating with two engines. The loss may cause huge damage unless critical response modalities are undertaken first hand to change and reconfigure the pitch attitude and drag predicament of the aircraft. When one engine cools off, the airspeed signal or indicator will move towards the red redial line that is located at the lower end of AS1. The redial indicator shows the VMC level at the point in time. If the red light indicates or moves to the 80-MPH mark on the AS1 then danger looms, as the unthinkable is prone to happen despite the full thrush that is produced by the functioning engine. As noted, the most critical moments that the airplanes engines are imperative are during takeoff or a few seconds after takeoff. During this time, the airspeed is at its lowest prompting the engines to develop maximum rated horsepower. The power is to guarantee speed and security of the plane and ensure that any fault is not recorded (Gudmundsson, 2014). If the engine quits or becomes dormant at the stage then the pilot has two options 1. The plane can proceed with the departure climb that will facilitate the asymmetric thrust from the single operating engine. This will cause the airplane to flip on its back effectively at a bank range of 5 degrees that is favorable. 2. The departure of the aircraft can be continued and climb on a single engine especially when the speed is sufficiently fast (Gudmundsson, 2014). The degree level of bank is a key determinant of VMC as it causes either increase or decrease in the VMC level or the speed of operation of the plane. 2 to 5 degree level is recommended for favorable VMC as compared to degree levels beyond 5 as such arrange may cause

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysing Types Of Collection System Engineering Essay

Analysing Types Of Collection System Engineering Essay Based on their mode of operation, collection systems are classified into two categories: hauled-container systems and stationary-container systems. Hauled-Container Systems (HCS): Collection systems in which the containers used for the storage of wastes are hauled to the processing, transfer, or disposal site, emptied, and returned to either their original location or some other location are defined as hauled-container systems. There are two main types of hauled-container systems: (1) tilt-frame container and (2) trash-trailer. The collector is responsible for driving the vehicle, loading full containers and unloading empty containers, and emptying the contents of the container at the disposal site. In some cases, for safety reasons, both a driver and helper are used. Systems that use tilt-frame-loaded vehicles and large containers, often called drop boxes, are ideally suited for the collection of all types of solid waste and rubbish from locations where the generation rate warrants the use of large containers. Open-top containers are used routinely at warehouses and construction sites. Large containers used in conjunction with stationary compactors are common at commercial and industrial services and at transfer stations. Because of the large volume that can be hauled, the use of tilt-frame hauled container systems has become widespread, especially among private collectors servicing industrial accounts. The application of trash-trailers is similar to that of tilt-frame container systems. Trash-trailers are better for the collection of especially heavy rubbish, such as sand, timber, and metal scrap, and often are used for the collection of demolition wastes at construction sites. Stationary-Container Systems (SCS): Collection systems in which the containers used for the storage of wastes remain at the point of waste generation, except when moved for collection are defined as stationary-container systems. Labor requirements for mechanically loaded stationary-container systems are essentially the same as for hauled-container systems. There are two main types of stationary-container systems: (1) those in which self-loading compactors are used and (2) those in which manually loaded vehicles are used. Because a variety of container sizes and types are available, these systems may be used for the collection of all types of wastes. The major application of manual transfer and loading methods is in the collection of residential wastes and litter. Manual methods are used for the collection of industrial wastes where pickup points are inaccessible to the collection vehicle. Collection Routes: Once the equipment labor requirements have been determined, collection routes must be laid out so both the work force equipment are used effectively. In general, the layout of collection routes is a trial-and-error process. There are no fixed rules that can be applied to all situations. Some of the factors that should be taken into consideration when laying out routes are as follows:(1) existing company policies and regulations related to such items as the point of collection and frequency of collection must be identified, (2) existing system conditions such as crew size and vehicle types must be coordinated, (3) wastes generated at traffic-congested locations should be collected as early in the day as possible, (4) sources at which extremely large quantities of wastes are generated should be serviced during the first part of the day, and (5) scattered pickup points where small quantities of solid wastes are generated should, if possible, be serviced during one trip or on the same day, if they receive the same collection frequency. Layout of Routes: The layout of collection routes is a four-step process. First, prepare location maps. On a relatively large-scale map of the area to be serviced, the following data should be plotted for each solid-waste pickup point: location, number of containers, collection frequency, and, if a stationary-container system with self-loading compactors is used, the estimated quantity of wastes to be collected at each pickup location. Second, prepare data summaries. Estimate the quantity of wastes to be collected from pickup location serviced each day that the collection operation is to be conducted. Where a stationary-container system is used, the number of locations that will be serviced during each pickup cycle must also be determined. Third, lay out preliminary collection routes starting from the dispatch station or where the collection vehicles are parked. A route should be laid out that connects all the pickup locations to be serviced during each collection day. The route should be laid out so that the last location is nearest the disposal site. Fourth, develop balanced routes. After the preliminary collection routes have been laid out, the haul distance for each route should be determined. Next, determine the labor requirements per day and check against the available work times per day. In some cases it may be necessary to readjust the collection routes to balance the work load and the distance traveled. After the balanced routes have been established, they should be drawn on the master map. Schedules: A master schedule for each collection route should be prepared for use by the engineering department and the transportation dispatcher. A schedule for each route, on which can be found the location and order of each pickup point to he serviced, should he prepared for the driver. In addition, a route book should be maintained by each truck driver. Transfer and transport: The functional element of transfer and transport refers to the means, facilities, and appurtenances used to effect the transfer of wastes from relatively small collection vehicles to larger vehicles and to transport them over extended distances to either processing centers or disposal sites. Transfer and transport operations become a necessity when haul distances to available disposal sites or processing centers increase to the point that direct hauling is no longer economically feasible. Transfer Station: Important factors that must be considered in the design of transfer stations include: type of transfer operation to be used, (2) capacity requirements, (3) equipment and accessory requirements, and (4) environmental requirements. Type of Transfer Station: Depending on the method used to load the transport vehicles, transfer stations may be classified into three types: direct discharge, storage discharge, and combined direct and storage discharge. Direct Discharge: In a direct-discharge transfer station, wastes from the collection vehicles usually are emptied directly into the vehicle to be used to transport them to a place of final disposition. To accomplish this, these transfer stations usually are constructed in a two-level arrangement. The unloading dock or platform from which wastes from collection vehicles are discharged into the transport trailers is elevated, or the transport trailers are located in a depressed ramp. Direct-discharge transfer stations employing stationary compactors are also popular. Typical direct discharge transfer station Storage Discharge: In the storage-discharge transfer station, wastes are emptied either into a storage pit or onto a platform from which they are loaded into transport vehicles by various types of auxiliary equipment. In a storage-discharge transfer station, the storage volume varies from about one-half to two daysà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ volume of wastes. Typical storage discharge transfer station Combined Direct and Storage Discharge: In some transfer stations, both direct-discharge and storage-discharge methods are used. Usually, these are multipurpose facilities designed to service a broader range of users than a single-purpose facility. In addition to serving a broader range of users, a multipurpose transfer station can also house a materials-salvage operation. Capacity Requirements: The operational capacity of a transfer station must be such that the collection vehicles do not have to wait too long to unload. In most cases, it will not be cost- effective to design the station to handle the ultimate peak number of hourly loads. An economic trade-off analysis should be made between the annual cost for the time spent by the collection vehicles waiting to unload against the incremental annual cost of a larger transfer station and/or the use of more transport equipment. Because of the increased cost of transport equipment, a trade-off analysis must also be made between the capacity of the transfer station and the cost of the transport operation, including both equipment and labor components. Equipment and Accessory Requirements: The types and amounts of equipment required vary with the capacity of the station and its function in the waste-management system. Specifically, scales should be provided at all medium and large transfer stations both to monitor the operation and to develop meaningful management and engineering data. Environmental Requirements: Most of the large, modern transfer stations are enclosed and are constructed of materials that can be maintained and cleaned easily. For direct-discharge transfer stations with open loading areas, special attention must be given to the problem of blowing papers. Wind screens or other barriers are commonly used. Regardless of the type of station, the design and construction should such that all accessible areas where rubbish or paper can accumulate are eliminated. Location of Transfer Station: Whenever possible, transfer stations should be located (1) as near as possible to the weighted center of the individual solid-waste production areas to be served, (2) within easy access of major arterial highway routes as well as near secondary or supplemental means of transportation, (3) where there will be a minimum of public environmental objection to the transfer operations, and (4) where construction and operation will be most economical. Additionally, if the transfer- station site is to be used for processing operations involving materials recovery and/or energy production, the requirements for those operations must be considered. Transfer Means Methods: Motor vehicles, railroads, and ocean-going vessels are the principal means now used to transport solid wastes. Pneumatic and hydraulic systems have also been used. Motor Vehicle Transport: Motor vehicles used to transport solid wastes on highways should satisfy the following requirements: (1) the vehicles must transport wastes at minimum cost, (2) wastes must be covered during the haul operation, (3) vehicles must be designed for highway traffic, (4) vehicle capacity must be such that allowable weight limits are not exceeded, and (5) methods used for unloading must be simple and dependable; The maximum volume that can be hauled highway transport vehicles depends on the regulations in force in the state in which they are operated. Methods used to unload the transport trailers may be classified according to whether they are self-emptying or require the aid of auxiliary equipment. Self-emptying transport trailers are equipped with mechanisms such as hydraulic dump beds, powered diaphragms or moving floors that are part of the vehicle. Moving-floor trailers are an adaptation of equipment used in the construction industry. An advantage of the moving-floor trailer is the rapid turnaround time (typically 6 to 10 mm) achieved at the disposal site without the need for auxiliary equipment. Unloading systems that require auxiliary equipment are usually of the à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"pull-offà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  type, in which the wastes are pulled out of the truck by either a movable bulkhead or wire-cable slings placed forward of the load. The disadvantage of requiring auxiliary equipment and work force to unload at the disposal site is relatively minor in view of the simplicity and reliability of these metho ds. Another auxiliary unloading system that has proved very effective and efficient involves the use of movable, hydraulically operated tipping ramps located at the disposal site. Operationally, the semitrailer of a tractor-trailer- trailer combination is backed up onto one of the tipping ramps; the tractor-trailer combination is backed up onto a second tipping ramp. The backs of the trailers are opened, and the units are then liked upward until the wastes fall out by gravity. The time required for the entire unloading operation typically is about 5 mm/trip. Large-capacity containers and container trailers are used in conjunction with stationary compactors at transfer stations. In some cases, the compaction mechanism is an integral part of the container. When containers are equipped with a self-contained compaction mechanism, the movable bulkhead used to compress the wastes is also used to discharge the compacted wastes. Railroad Transport: Although railroads were commonly used for the transport of solid wastes in the past, they are now used by only a few communities. However, renewed interest is again developing in the use of railroads for hauling solid wastes, especially to remote areas where highway travel is difficult and railroad lines now exist. Water Transport: Barges, scows, and special boats have been used in the past to transport solid wastes to processing locations and to seaside and ocean disposal sites, but ocean disposal is no longer practiced by the United States. Although some self-propelled vessels (such as United States Navy garbage scows and other special boats) were once used, the most common practice was to use vessels towed by tugs or other special boats. Pneumatic Transport: Both low-pressure air and vacuum conduit transport systems have been used to transport solid wastes. The most common application is the transport of wastes from high-density apartments or commercial activities to a central location for processing or for loading into transport vehicles. The largest pneumatic system now in use in the United States is at the Walt Disney World amusement park in Orlando, Florida.