Monday, February 17, 2020

Modernization and revolution in China from the opium wars to world Essay

Modernization and revolution in China from the opium wars to world power - Essay Example This paper will discuss chapter 12 and the Fourth Generation.Shortly after Jiang Zemen and his 3rd generation of leaders took over power from Den Xiaopeng and other revolutionaries, China began to face a new political succession. Most of the 3rd generation were in their 70's at the time. The New Generation of leaders is important because when the Fourth Generation took over it changed everything including the top ministry level throughout the country. This was very much a cultural revolution. Unfortunately there are many things that we do not know as there have not been many studies related to this generation.This generation of leaders grew up believing in Mao. They later found that their idolism was shattered as they became better educated and began to understand the issues. They, however, acquired political skills as a habit of having a chance to think independently. This is a generation that on top of all of that has bore the burden of what is called the cultural generation as wel l as paying the cost of the reform movement. The reform is really two China's which is confusing to the rest of the world as well as the Chinese.Officially this is a nation of patriots not nationalists. The Party is the embodiment and object of patriotic sentiment. This is meant to make China strong and gain and hold its rightful place in the world. However, even with all of this happening, one must remember that the history of China is rooted in the earlier generations and official discourse. This is all very much linked to the Communist Party. The "Motherland" or China has had many periods in its history of invasion by foreign powers. Many lost their lives in these wars and there were many martyrs for the country. The Party used Marxism-Leninism to bring the country together. They used this to show the fate of the nation and its people and the same time point out the correct direction and path for strengthening their country and making it stronger economically. This has all proven to be quite successful. The success of the country now, of course, is because of the Party and it is centre in the economic development. This has all brought about a new generation of leadership which is called the Fourth generation. There are some pretty specific characteristics about this leadership group. Often called the "Cultural Revolution" generation. All experienced CR either as recent graduates or whilst still at university. Only Li Changchun temporarily involved in Red Guard activities, then neutral. Most avoided participation or were criticized for siding with the authorities. Few had studied or travelled overseas before rising to prominence - viz. Hu Jintao's recent visit to Europe and the eager anticipation surrounding his visit to US Experience of provinces, particularly some of China's poorest - Hu Jintao in Gansu, Guizhou and Tibet - Wen in Gansu - Li Changchun and Luo Gan in Henan. Focus on poverty/economic development - both evident for example in Wen's role in agriculture. Closely involved with economic reforms/associations with most reform-minded sections of CCP from 1980s - Hu Jintao headed the Chinese Communist Youth League, Wen Jiabao worked with Zhao Ziyang - Li Changchun's record in Liaoning where he authorized China's first bankruptcy and defended this policy against criticism. First post-revolutionary generation - will this lead them to place less emphasis on the glories of the Party's past/be less hide-bound by official ideology - Role of Central Party School/Organization Department in "Three representatives" campaign

Monday, February 3, 2020

Review on Mason and Dixon chapter 35 by thomas pynchon Essay

Review on Mason and Dixon chapter 35 by thomas pynchon - Essay Example Reverend Cherrycoke to his twin nephews Pitt and pliney alternatively referred to as the elder, or the Younger throughout the book narrates the tale. The narrative approach dramatically changes from the story to the room where the narrative is being told. It requires a person to be extra careful or else they will be lost in time. The chapter reintroduces Reverend Cherrycoke and introduces the Redzinger family, the gambler Mr. Edgwise as well as the outstanding Armand and his Duck (350). It discusses the history and Christ likening the two to the fate of no man with only the destination of every expedition as the universal factor. Cherrycoke reveals there is a machine, which triggers all history in some part, leaving people in times where they cannot live and remain sane where history disappears. Cherrycoke observations in Christ and history can be thought as a straight denunciation of the Puritan and subsequently, American principle of the theory of Exceptionalism. This theory is of the opinion that America is different from other nations, it has a sacred history and events, and that it is the chosen country. It argues that America’s cities and hidden valleys are of one true god who is always on the American side saving the faithfulness America. America and Americans will suffer to be one, later in ti me in a reunion with their creator as a reward for the sacrifices and hard work for its priceless dedication as well as devotion. To the puritans what is stated to be a fact remains so but to the younger generations in the form of Ethelmer, the Reverend as well as Pynchon this does not hold water (361). The book requires maximum concentration for one to acknowledge the early history and culture. It requires slow and keen reading more so in chapter 35, where the themes require attention to identify, as they are not straightforward. This is critical in the understanding of the